My Expert Midwife: Brand
Brand strategy
Brand creation
Packaging Design
The birth of the expert.
Already gaining a cult following online, ambitious co-founders Lesley and Claire came to us with their fledgling brand and a small range of iconic products looking to build on their humble beginnings with a stronger, bolder, more own-able identity that would succeed in a store environment.
Originally only sold online, we needed to ensure stretch into a physical store environment. It was important that everything we did stayed true to their matter-of-fact attitude and never shied away from the reality of the issues faced by pregnant women and new mums everyday, putting the ‘expert’ at the forefront of the brand, whilst retaining their cheeky personality. During our long-standing partnership with My Expert Midwife, we introduced new brand assets and a softer, natural colour palette, increasing brand awareness across touch-points.

Real model shots show the reality of pregnancy and birth, never afraid to confront things often airbrushed away. The tone of voice is inclusive and conversational, one of empathy and understanding. ‘We know how you feel and we can help.’
2021 saw the birth of their Expert Antenatal Classes, a modern approach taught exclusively by registered nurses. From the existing brand architecture we developed a suite of assets born from an ultrasound scan, the logo represents both an ‘M’ and the shape of the baby. This is then used as a fluid line acting as a connector between mum-to-be and the antenatal community.

My Expert Midwife is now a major player in the world of pregnancy and baby, recently launching their supplements category, online advice hub and pioneering antenatal classes, putting their midwife brand proposition to the forefront, resulting in strong brand growth beyond their iconic packaging.